April 28, 2015

Two WBRC Staff Members Contribute to New Book Published by AFB Press

Photos: Vision and the Brain: Understanding Cerebral Visual Impairment in Children cover (top); Title
page for Mr. Kingston’s authored chapter, Insights from Adult Neuro-Vision Rehabilitation and
Rehabilitative Considerations for Children (bottom left); and book cover with spine (bottom right).

WBRC is proud to announce that Dr. Gregory Goodrich, WBRC Research Psychologist, and Mr. John Kingston, WBRC Orientation and Mobility Supervisor, are both featured contributors in a newly published AFB Press book titled Vision and the Brain: Understanding Cerebral Visual Impairment in Children.  Dr. Goodrich provided an article on ‘The Evolution of the Definition of Legal Blindness’ and Mr. Kingston authored a chapter titled, ‘Insights from Adult Neuro-Vision Rehabilitation and Rehabilitative Considerations for Children’.

The book is currently available via the AFB Press Website.  A description of the book from the website follows below:

'Cerebral visual impairment, also known as cortical visual impairment, or CVI, has become the most common cause of visual impairment in children in the United States and the developed world.  Vision and the Brain is a unique and comprehensive sourcebook of current knowledge about CVI and best practices for working with children.  Expert contributors from many countries illuminate the complexities of vision loss related to brain injury and neurological causes and provide readers with approaches to assessment and intervention'.

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