October 1, 2013

iPad & iPhone Update Information

By: Laura Koehler, COMS, WBRC Technology Coordinator

Photo: An iPad 4 and iPhone 4
Many veterans have participated in the WBRC's iProgram training for the iPad 4 and iPhone 4.  With the recent available updates, these veterans should note the information below: 

Attention iPhone and iPad Users:
Please do not download the iOS 7 software update for your iPhone or iPad if you haven’t already.  Your iPad/iPhone will continue to work properly without installing the update.  The iProgram team is in the  process of completing a thorough evaluation of the Pros and Cons of this update and will inform you of the results when completed.

For those of you who have already downloaded the update:

Voice Over Users: 
Many of the native Apps (ones that come with the device) have additional functionality, and have onscreen elements that have moved or may be relabeled (i.e. – “Utilities button” is now “Share Button”).  The best approach is to continue to flick right or left to explore and find what you want.

Zoom Users:
Many of the native apps have a slightly different appearance and may be more difficult to see.  To assist with that, using a solid black background could be helpful.  Additionally, there are settings that can be changed and may help.  In the Settings App, under General , consider changing the following Accessibility settings:
Larger Type  - turn On, Increase Contrast – turn On, Reduce Motion – turn On. Bold Text – turn on (note when changing bold text to on the device needs to restart, just confirm OK to make the change.)

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