New research methods at the Western Blind Rehabilitation Center using special glasses called The Mobile Eye™ will improve visual function, not only in injured combat troops, but also in Veterans with age-related eye disease or vision loss associated with strokes and other causes of vision loss following brain injury. Additionally, the knowledge gained should readily transfer to the benefit of both Veterans and civilians with age-related vision loss or vision loss due to stroke, falls, motor vehicle accidents, and other events causing brain injury and vision loss.
The Mobile Eye™ (Applied Sciences Laboratories, Bedford, MA) tracks and records the person’s eye movement and superimposes it on a videotaped view of the environment recording both for review and analysis. This allows researchers and clinicians to “see what the person is looking at” and to do sophisticated analysis about the amount of time any object was fixated on, directions of scan, and to identify how the individual manages areas of field loss.
Understanding how well the individual manages their areas of vision loss is critical to understanding how they interact with the world around them. This is important because it leads to a better understanding of the person’s visual functioning and the effectiveness of rehabilitation. It should also lead to more effective rehabilitation therapies.
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